『RubyConf Taiwan 2015』に当社パートナーが登壇します
2015年9月11日(金)〜12日(土)に台湾で開催される『RubyConf Taiwan 2015』に、当社エンジニアが登壇いたします。
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『RubyConf Taiwan 2015』
場所:中央研究院 人文社會科學館 (HSS Bldg. of Academia Sinica)
▽RubyConf Taiwan 2015
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柴田 博志
技術部 技術基盤チーム チーフエンジニア
「Middleware as Code with mruby」
Sumally:mruby is the lightweight implementation of the Ruby language and was released about a year ago. mruby has embeddable mechanism for middlewares like http server, search engine, etc. Embedded mruby provides ruby runtime and syntax to middlewares. It’s so powerful programming environment for Rubyists. Even with mruby, we were able to create web services with tests and gems, and it also helped to solve some problems using Ruby code outside of a Rails application. I will describe details of mruby in production service.
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『RubyConf Taiwan 2015』
場所:中央研究院 人文社會科學館 (HSS Bldg. of Academia Sinica)
▽RubyConf Taiwan 2015
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柴田 博志
技術部 技術基盤チーム チーフエンジニア
「Middleware as Code with mruby」
Sumally:mruby is the lightweight implementation of the Ruby language and was released about a year ago. mruby has embeddable mechanism for middlewares like http server, search engine, etc. Embedded mruby provides ruby runtime and syntax to middlewares. It’s so powerful programming environment for Rubyists. Even with mruby, we were able to create web services with tests and gems, and it also helped to solve some problems using Ruby code outside of a Rails application. I will describe details of mruby in production service.